About Us

The Superior World School is established by the Ganpati Educational and Social Welfare Society in 2014. The Society believes that it is the educational learning that can bring the true transformation in the society, making it both economically & socially better. Education is the guiding spirit with which the society is established to empower the young minds with excellence along with capacity, confidence and compassion of Head, Heart, Hand by giving knowledge of different subjects and fields. When the mind empowered with knowledge & excellence in the student’s life , the educational activity keeps on developing the mind towards the perfection. In respect of maximum use of his IQ & EQ they becomes a good and perfect citizen of the country.
The motto of our school is also to emphasize on creating an academic atmosphere in the school and develop the student’s all round personality mentally, socially and spiritually. This academic atmosphere provides chances for the students to become a good and perfect person.
